Constitution By-Laws

Constitution / By-Laws

Ada Lake Association Constitution
June 8, 1996
Article I – Mission Statement
The mission of the Ada Lake Association shall be to maintain or improve the living, recreational, environmental and ecological conditions of the Ada Lake area.
Article II – Membership
Membership in the association shall be open to all persons interested in promoting the mission of the association and with property ownership within the Ada Lake watershed. Such membership, however, is subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
Evidence of membership shall be payment of annual dues as established in the association by-laws.
Article III – Membership Meetings
Membership meetings shall be held in accordance with the association by-laws for the purpose of establishing association policy and objectives, updating the constitution and by laws of the association as required, and electing officers and directors.  Each member family shall have one vote at membership meetings and decisions are by simple majority vote of the members present, with the exception of amendments to this constitution.
Article IV – Board of Directors
A Board of Directors consisting of four officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and other Directors selected from the members as established in the by-laws, shall be authorized to manage the affairs of the association in accordance with the constitution, by-laws, objectives and policy directives of the members.
Article V – Constitutional Amendments
This constitution may be altered, amended or repealed only by a 2/3rd majority vote of the members present at a membership meeting, provided notice was sent to all members of the intent to modify this constitution at least 20 days in advance of the meeting.

Ada Lake Association
June 11, 2016 (Revised)
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Association is to accomplish the organizations mission through a spirit of stewardship among property owners within the Lake Ada watershed.
Specific purposes of the association in support of the mission include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Maintaining Lake Adaʼs water quality.
B. Maintaining Lake Adaʼs fishery.
C. Promoting the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the shoreline.
D. Working to prevent invasion of exotic plants and aquatic animals.
E. Promoting a spirit of community through an annual picnic and periodic publication of a directory of Lake Ada property owners.
F. Maintaining a system of navigational buoys.
II. Board of Directors
A. Qualification: The Board of Directors shall consist of officers and other directors, and shall be elected from and by members at the annual June Membership Meeting.
B. Number: A minimum of eight, but members may elect more directors. Remaining directors may fill vacancies by majority vote of the Board if the number drops below eight.
C. Tenure: Each member of the Board of Directors shall stand for election at the annual Membership Meeting, and shall take office immediately following election.
D. Nominations: The Board of Directors shall call for nominations at the June members Business Meeting, and insure nominees are available for all positions prior to the annual July Membership Meeting. Nominations may also be made by motion from the floor at the June Business Meeting.
E. Ex officio members: The immediate past president may serve on the Board of Directors as an ex officio member without vote for a period of one year.
F. Chairperson: The President shall serve as the chairperson of the board.
G. Meetings of the board: At least two meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called by the President and held between the months of May and October. The President or any two board members may call a special meeting by giving a minimum of 10 days’ notice to other board members.
H. Quorum: Three board members shall constitute a quorum, and a simple majority vote of all present officers and directors shall govern.
I. Committees: The Board of Directors may establish standing committees to undertake programs or projects in carrying out each purpose of the association as defined in these by-laws. Other committees may be established by the board in support of policies or objectives of the members. All committees are to include at least one board member and may include other Association members as required to fulfill their purpose.
J. Duties: To represent and promote the mission and purpose of the Association through individual actions, jointly as a board, and in committee. Duties of officers shall include:
1. President: Preside at membership and board meetings, and insure the constitution and by-laws of the organization are being followed.
2. Vice-President: Act in the absence of the President.
3. Secretary: Publish minutes of membership and board meetings.
4. Treasurer: Supervise the safekeeping of all funds and property of the Association, keep record of financial transactions and furnish periodic financial statements.
K. Terms of office: Terms for board members and officers are one year; board members may stand for re-election each year. The President, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be limited to a maximum of four consecutive terms. There are no term limits for board members. The Board of Directors, by majority vote, may extend office term limitations in cases of unusual or specialized need.
III. Membership Meetings
A. Annual Business Meeting: The annual Business Meeting shall be held on the last Saturday of July in conjunction with an annual picnic for members. The location of the meeting will be announced by newsletter and/or electronic communication at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
B. Members Business Meeting: A members Business Meeting shall be held during the month of June in the Lake Ada area.
C. Special meetings: Special meetings may be called by the President, by two board members, or by a minimum of 10% of the members, by requesting such a meeting of the Secretary at least 20 days prior to the meeting. It will be the duty of the Secretary to insure notices are mailed to members at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
IV. Dues and Fee
A. Annual dues shall be ten dollars ($10.00), are payable by May of each year, and are to be used in support of
the mission, purpose, policies and objectives of the Association.
B. The Board of Directors may periodically establish additional fees for services or merchandise provided by the Association or vendors of the Association.
C. The Board of Directors may periodically indicate a need for voluntary donations to meet objectives of the Association that cannot be adequately met through annual dues alone.
V. Communications
The Association shall communicate with its members through periodic printed newsletters and electronic communication to insure adequate communication with members on status of objectives, education of members on issues of importance relative to the Associations purpose, to encourage membership in the Association and to communicate with other organizations important to the Associations purpose. These communications may also be used to inform the lake community of events not sponsored by the Association, but of interest to members.
VI. Amendment of By-law
These By-Laws may be altered, amended or replaced by the members at any regular or special meeting, by a majority vote of the Association members present at such meeting.
The above By-Laws and associated Constitution were approved and adopted by majority vote of the members present at the annual members Business Meeting of the Ada Lake Association, June 11, 2016.  Jon Hansen, President
2025 Ada Lake Association. All Rights Reserved.